Posts Tagged ‘Spiritual Guru’

Vimala Thakar


Vimala Thakar (born 15 April 1923- passed away on 11 March 2009) was an Indian social activist and spiritual teacher. I give my Tribute Vimala Thakar.

“The essence of religion is the personal discovery of the meaning of life, the meaning of truth. Religion is related to the unconditional, total freedom that truth confers on us. It is a revolution of the whole way of living. Religion moves us from the superficial layers of existence and encourages us to go deeper to the roots of life. It is an inward journey to the depths of our being.”

Vimala Thakar, The Eloquence of Living.

“Nothing in life is trivial. Life is whole wherever and whenever we touch it, and one moment or event is not less sacred than another.” 

Vimala Thakar